MONITOR MADNESS! Free I.T. Athens still has A TON of monitors, so the monitor sale has been extended. Monitors 19″ and below are now $10 off! Get a monitor for as little as $10 bucks on Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday until Monitor Madness ends.

Come to Free I.T. Athens Wednesday between 6p and 8p, Friday between 3p and 7p, or Sunday 1p and 5p to pick up your monitor (19″ or smaller) and get $10 off.
Looking for a monitor project? Here are some fun ones we found floating around the interwebs:
- Make your own multiple monitor battle station
- Mount a monitor to a wall for easy access
- For your eyes only—craft a privacy screen
- Get creative with cardboard to make a fun homework spot for kids
- Add sparkly monitor lights!
Don’t forget to share snapshots of how you use your refurbished monitors on the Free I.T. Athens Facebook page or tag @FreeITAthens on Twitter.