Thank you to all the wonderful people who came by last Friday to congratulate Free I.T. Athens on a successful move. Here’s a recap for those who missed it:
Volunteers spent a the morning rushing to finish last minute tasks, and a handful of folks gathered to watch the ribbon cutting at 3:00! Get it? Ribbon cutting. Old friends and new faces stopped over the next few hours to shop, donate, get tech support, and give high fives.

At 8:00 Free I.T. hosted its annual meeting, an opportunity to elect board members for the upcoming term and thank the many, many folks who work hard to keep Free I.T. Athens supporting the local community.
We were all so happy to have survived the move, we forgot to take pictures! Here’s the slideshow from the meeting if you want to relive the event at home—just be sure to order pizza and get some of Jon’s pulled pork first!

It was a bitter sweet event, though. Volunteers all said a farewell to Luke and Joel, both former presidents of FRITA. They’re moving on to new chapters of their lives but promise to stop in every now and then.
As for the elections, say hello to this term’s board:
Now that the celebrations are over and we’ve had a minute to catch our collective breath, it’s time for all of us once again focus on bringing the Free I.T. Athens Vision to fruition.
Our vision is to strengthen community by fostering equal access to education, skills, information, and services through the combination of free software, and technology re-use and recycling.